When Tobias Sudhoff talks about the food of the future, food revolution and a social transformation, Happy Foie can't be missing. As experts in culinary arts and good taste, Ralf Bos and Buddy Zipper, the hosts of the Survival Passionistas podcast, can teach you a lot more in an entertaining way. In the podcast episode with Sudhoff, it becomes clear once again that Happy Foie is the first step towards a diet that is not only sustainable, but also makes you happy!
As a "Positive Seducer" Tobias Sudhoff wants to achieve a positive change. Not with raised forefinger and also not with prohibitions.
"It has to be so awesome that people join in." Ralf Bos can also confirm after tasting Happy Foie: "Nobody needs foie gras anymore."
The unstuffed Happy Foie is also versatile. It can be combined with anything. Whether with nougat, pear, al or simply on a brioche. It tastes good!
Absolutely entertaining listening recommendation for all gourmets, epicureans and cooks. Click here to listen to the podcast.
As a "Positive Seducer" Tobias Sudhoff wants to achieve a positive change. Not with raised forefinger and also not with prohibitions.
"It has to be so awesome that people join in." Ralf Bos can also confirm after tasting Happy Foie: "Nobody needs foie gras anymore."
The unstuffed Happy Foie is also versatile. It can be combined with anything. Whether with nougat, pear, al or simply on a brioche. It tastes good!
Absolutely entertaining listening recommendation for all gourmets, epicureans and cooks. Click here to listen to the podcast.