The SZ-Magazin reports about our founder Tobias Sudhoff and allows an insight behind the idea of our Happy Foie.
What do we mean when Tobias Sudhoff says that "food change means eating less meat, but without any loss of enjoyment"? What is hidden behind this is "Happy Foie".
In an exciting article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, our founder and all-round talent Tobias Sudhoff talks about the story behind Happy Foie. He reveals to the readers his motives and motivation to bring a sustainable and meat-based product to the market.
"Mankind eats too much meat. But vegetarian and vegan substitutes often don't taste good, Sudhoff says. He sees his Happy Foie, which contains a significant amount of vegetable fats, as "a first step on the way to eating less meat without losing the pleasure."
Although Happy Foie does not yet offer a vegan alternative, he sees it as a "first step on the way to less meat consumption." According to Sudhoff, who sees himself as an activist for the food revolution, this can only be achieved if meat substitutes and vegetarian cuisine taste really good.
"Humans have simply been triggered to meat since time immemorial," says Sudhoff: "The tongue has its own fat receptors; that was discovered not so long ago. And meat contains glutamate, which is absorbed by the umami receptors. That's why we enjoy meat so much, that's why we crave currywurst when we have a hangover."
Happy Foie is meant to be proof of preserving a culinary delicacy without causing agony to ducks and geese.
But Tobias Sudhoff and Ethicline Gmbh would like to contribute to the food turnaround and develop further, despite our unique and sustainable process.
Therefore, new product highlights such as a vegan meat jus and a vegan happy foie are to be launched. Be excited!
If you would like to learn more about the story behind Happy Foie, read the SZ article here.