“Möppkes” is the Westphalian sausage bread. You can prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made from the butcher. Then lightly fry it in slices in the pan.
Möppke's dough:
200g wheat flour
1 No
Pinch of salt and sugar
80 grams of melted butter
1 TL Backtriebmittel (Na-Hydrogencarbonat)
1 tsp water
Cherry jam:
100g fresh cherries (frozen if necessary)
50g preserving sugar
25ml port wine
Cut the Möppkes into slices about 5mm thick.
Stir together the ingredients for the dough, knead and let rest for an hour. then roll out and cut out round slices almost as large (diameter 5mm smaller) as the Möppkes slices and bake at 160° C until crispy (approx. 10 minutes). Let cool down.
Mix the cherries, port wine and preserving sugar and bring to the boil together until the cherries are half disintegrated by the cooking. Let cool down.
Roll out Happy Foie in the variant of your choice into a square, place the cherry jam on one side in a line across the entire plate, so that you now "wrap" the Happy Foie around the cherry jam and spread it around the protruding edges - the result is a jam-filled Happy Foie Noodle that can be easily cut into slices (approx. 1 cm thick) after cooling down to approx. 5°C.
The Möppkes is freshly fried in butter until it browns. The round biscuit goes on top of the Möppkes and we place the Happy Foie slice on top. A little pepper on top and then...
...Bon appetit!
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